

Pasado Continuo Ingles

Test Pasado Continuo

Test aleatorio de 50 preguntas sobre el pasado continuo.


Sujeto Verbo auxiliar TO BE Verbo principal + ing
I was finishing





You were
He / She / It was
We were
You were
They Were



Sujeto Verbo auxiliar TO BE Negacion Verbo principal + ing
I was NOT finishing





You were
He / She / It was
We were
You were
They Were

* was + not = wasn’t / were + not = weren’t


Wh- Preguntas Verbo auxiliar TO BE Sujeto Verbo principal + ing
Who was I finishing





What were You
Where was He / She / It
When were We
How were You
Why Were They


  • Para hacer preguntas de sí/no, se antepone el verbo auxiliar al sujeto.
    • She was working yesterday > Was she working yesterday?
  • Para hacer preguntas con respuestas complejas, agregue una partícula interrogativa antes de la pregunta sí/no.
    • She was working yesterday > Why was she working yesterday?
  • Para preguntar sobre el sujeto de la oración, se usa QUIÉN o QUÉ, seguido del verbo auxiliar.
    • Who was the manager talking with yesterday?
    • What was happening here when we arrived?


  • Una acción que tiene lugar en el pasado como un proceso. La acción comenzó en el pasado y continuó en el pasado. Suele ser un evento largo.
    • I was working all day yesterday.
    • I was travelling all day yesterday.

* Funciona de la misma manera que el pasado simple, pero enfatiza la idea de que la acción toma mucho tiempo.

  • Para dos acciones que tienen lugar al mismo tiempo en el pasado, normalmente conectadas por while.
    • I was doing paperwork while Tess was reading the reports.
  • Para una acción larga que tiene lugar en el pasado, generalmente interrumpida por una más corta que se expresa en pasado simple, generalmente conectada por cuándo.
    • We were walking in the park when it started to rain.
    • Marlene was working at her computer when she got your phonecall.

Pasado simple vs pasado continuo

  • Las acciones largas generalmente van en pasado continuo mientras que las acciones cortas van en pasado simple.
    • I was working in my office when the phone rang.
    • We got the finished product for review while we were discussing its marketing.
  • En la narración de una historia, las acciones suelen ir en pasado simple, mientras que las descripciones y el ambiente van en pasado continuo.
    • Night was falling and it was raining heavily when Tiffany left her home. She was confident as she walked down the path, but the people in the village were looking at her with worry while she marched past them…
  • Recuerde que los verbos estativos no se pueden usar en un tiempo continuo. Se aplican las mismas excepciones que en Presente continuo.