

Tests Presente Continuo Ingles Gratis

*Nota: Si la palabra contiene apostrofe ( ‘ ), utilizad ( ` ) en su lugar

1. I __________________ for the Negro alone. (not/plead)

2. _______________________________ as a nation? (England/rise/or/fall/?)

3. I ________________ you to lie again. (not/ask)

4. They say he ____________________ with the widow. (always/sit)

5. I ___________________ this letter from my brother. (think over)

6. We __________________ a book upon primitive psychology. (not/write)

7. ____________________ for to hear now? (what/I/wait/?)

8. I _____________ to be worthy of her. (seek)

9. He ________________ for love of you. (not/eat)

10. But now I ______________ upon a wilderness. (enter)

11. But it ______________________; it is not the laughter of the mind. (not/illuminate)

12. It ______________________ only from the family. (really/suffer)

13. I ___________ away for a few days. (go)

14. This sketch has several blemishes in it; for instance, the wagon ___________________ as fast as the horse is. (not/travel)

15. But, if she ___________, here in this letter, _____________________ on? (lie) (what/she/walk/?)

16. I _____________ your answer in the neighborhood. (wait)

17. He knows that we ______________ about him. (talk)

18. But I ________________ for your sympathy. (not/ask)

19. I know I _____________ like a book. (talk)

20. _______________ to you or the wall? (I/talk/?)

21. He _____________ again with the dead ones. (dance)

22. You ________________ to dig truth for yourself. (begin)

23. I __________________ only for myself-I`m not indeed. (not/speak)

24. ___________________ of her, that you need tell me that? (I/complain/?)

25. She _____________ a letter with evident interest. (read)

26. I ____________ an American flag with me. (take)

27. ______________________ now, may I ask? (where/you/go/?)

28. He still carries the marks of his box on the ear, and he ________________ himself any bad luck! (not/wish)

29. What is it you _________________ from me? (conceal)

30. Where do the people come from and _______________________? (where/they/go/?)

31. __________________ already for his golden thumb? (he/provide/?)

32. You __________________ to fall in love, are you? (not/wait)

33. Do tell me, another time, if you ________________ away. (not/go)

34. I don`t know what people _______________ about. (think)

35. And you ___________________ of it as one. (not/think)

36. I know their faces, and I think with you that they ___________________ the truth. (not/speak)

37. I __________________ of you or Aggie. (not/think)

38. _________________ already to lose my truth? (I/begin/?)

39. We __________________ you to a pastime. (not/call)

40. I believe I _______________ to get the chill. (begin)

41. She _____________________ at the chain. (not/even/tug)

42. I ___________________ to my admiration of his fine figure-six feet high and straight as an arrow-nor of his handsome, open, ingenuous countenance, or his candid blue eye, or his thick curly hair. (not/refer)

43. And they _____________ through the hollow world. (rise)

44. ____________________________________ about? (what in the world/you/talk/?)

45. But there, there, ____________________ about? (what/I/talk/?)

46. You _______________ on the brink of a terrible abyss. (stand)

47. _____________________________ what you are going to do with it? (everybody/not/wonder/?)

48. I ________________ you to believe it. (not/ask)

49. You can see she __________________ of the music. (not/think)

50. Those other girls _______________, too, are they? (not/go)