
Tests Presente Perfecto Ingles Gratis

*nota: si la palabra contiene apostrofe ( ‘ ), utilizad  ( ` ) en su lugar

1. I _________________ from a very different scene. (just/come)

2. He ______________ a move or sign. (not/make)

3. ________________ ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to win back our love?(we/show/?)

4. I _______________ such a shock in my life. (not/have)

5. It would almost appear that you _________________. (succeed)

6. They ______________ life enough in them. (not/get)

7. I am afraid I ____________ too late. (come)

8. I ___________________ it for a long time. (not/examine)

9. _______________ me so much that it can never give me any more? (it/give/?)

10. But _____________________ in crushing us? (what/you/do/?)

11. But that is just what he ______________. (not/do)

12. I`m afraid I _______________ it. (not/see)

13. She ______________ here in a good while. (not/be)

14. We ______________ that last payment on the church. (not/have)

15. I will therefore proceed as I _____________. (begin)

16. But it ___________________ far enough. (not/yet/go)

17. She`s the only hope you __________. (get)

18. I`m so glad you ______________ her. (bring)

19. I __________ business to talk to you. (get)

20. ______________________ the task to enrich me in this world? (you/undertake/?)

21. I _______________ a chat for days. (not/have)

22. You ___________ like a son to me. (be)

23. ___________________ a petition on the thigh of some statue? (you/write/?)

24. I _________________ a word about them yet. (not/hear)

25. _________________ nothing from any other quarter? (you/hear/?)

26. She ______________ time to decide yet. (not/have)

27. That`s all we __________ to do. (get)

28. I ___________ like it all my life. (be)

29. I ___________________ my eyes from them. (never/take)

30. I ___________________ of such a thing. (never/hear)

31. And ___________________ in the pursuit? (what/I/lose/?)

32. We ________________ a meal in an inn except breakfast. (not/eat)

33. ___________________, to be so pursued! (what/I/do/?)

34. It ___________________ to us in this light. (not/appear)

35. You ____________________ how I have developed. (not/realize)

36. I ___________________ the courage to tell you. (never/find)

37. I _______________ a glimpse of you for a week. (not/see)

38. I`m certain he _____________ any money. (not/get)

39. You ____________________ my system of education. (quite/ruin)

40. I ______________ enough sleep for a week. (not/have)

41. It __________ to be an old story by this time. (get)

42. ___________________ to deserve such love? (what/I/do/?)

43. I _____________ an old man of this kind. (know)

44. I ____________ your love in your face. (read)

45. _________________________ in the spirit land? (how long/you/be/?)

46. ________________________ to think of it and you? (when/I/forget/?)

47. __________________________ good to me? (why/people/not/be/?)

48. And I ________________ of him since. (not/hear)

49. He won`t know what we _______________. (write)

50. I ______________ my promise to my mother. (break)